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Anonymous Coward · 12mo

in what ways do mighty and ray show they care about each other

mighty, like sonic, gets uncharacteristically scary and serious (and in mighty's case, violent) to a degree when ray was threatened in sma episode 4. considering mighty is a pacifist too that's kind of a big deal (and i know metal is a robot so i don't know if mighty doesn't consider him a living thing but it should still be noted bc he's this way in the archie comics too from what i've seen). on ray's end, i always took note of how quickly he hopped off hugging mighty when he realized what he was doing and switching to something "cooler" and "funnier". mighty's his big bro and he wants to be cool like him too, and hugging him is a little too childish. he's gotta be cooler than that! even if he really really missed him..... their dynamic really is similar to sonic and tails but with enough nuance that they're still different.

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