Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more
elo a third time. do you have a favourite movie. if not one favourite than what are your favourites, plural,
elo again. what’s the best dessert you’ve had recently
hello it is elo. you’ve been talking about writing tennis fic lately what ideas do u have floating around :0
fav teniboy and why u like him
Fav tenipuri songs with u-17 members
is beni a big shot
hi beau noahclay here ummmmmmmmmm. what's your favorite 80s song :)
Fave crafting class in ffxiv?
hi it's elo!! what's the best meal you've had recently
what are you planning on writing next time you get the chance? :0 -elo
What’s the oldest item you currently own?
would you ever consider hanging up photos of your ocs in your home?..
Thoughts on candy peeps? What about the special flavors?
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