Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Nonnie · 1mo

what do u do when u get overwhelmed by ur responsibilities? (i’m a grown woman and i cry over school before bed + have scarily realistic nightmares that i did bad on assignments every night… esp if i take a couple days off from studying)

nonnie i'm so sorry you're experiencing this but idk if i'll be of much help here. i've never experienced an academic/work environment that stressful :( ig what i have to say is that unless your field is related to saving lives (medicine or law ig) your school performance really doesn't matter as much. and if it is related to saving lives... the current assignments can't be scarier than what you'll have to do in the field x) that's not what you probably wanted to hear but ig it shows how i actually cope with stress. i rationalize and trivialize it to the point where i'm like "there's no point to have emotions about this any longer. i have a risk prevention plan for handling what is in my control, and i have no power over what is not in my control, so there's no point in stressing over it. continue with the plan and fuck it." but my therapist says it's not a very good tactic cause i'm supposed to express my emotions not repress them with logic :\ so maybe your approach is healthier actually. we can't win either way

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