Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

goat · 5mo

since i want us all to die here's some chengjie things ^_^

chengjie has a large journal he keeps for himself and carries around everywhere. it's very thick and they add pages to it as needed and its filled to the brim of things from varying periods in his life. he has a small, dedicated section of reminders that they keep to itself which includes brief descriptions of people that chengjie know well enough to meet them frequently in day to day life, from important pieces of information about them to his relationship with person in question ... this is because chengjie is so forgetful to the point where he forgets even the most important people to him. in their entirety. its as if chengjie would be meeting them for the first time ... this is entirely because chengjie is technically dead and his brain struggles with obtaining and keeping new pieces of information

that is to say that chengjie has an entire page dedicated to aizetsu and its one of their most in-depth pages that he has in his entire little book. chengjie has likely forgotten who aizetsu was at some point, esp when they first initially met, but he always tries to remind himself. sometimes they feel a vague rememberance that smth about aizetsu is familiar but for the Life Of It, they can't remember how they know him, who he is to them, or sometimes even his name. it hurts every time but its not chengjie's fault

There's my chengjie angst for the night i had a sore throat so i'm taking my mild discomfort out on everybody

eeuuggghhhhhh I CANT ADD ONTO THIS ITS SO GOOD but like FUCKKK idk if i wanna talk or reread this over and over overFUCKKK CEHNGZETSUSSIS IM FUCKKKKK THAT BOOK IS 64% AIZETSU

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