
if you'd like to chat or request a bot, send in an ask! the formal bot request form is in my bio on janitor!
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don't send in requests more than once please, and if possible, don't make them so simple and generic (ex: can you make a mafia bot?). the more details the better! you can also request on my bot request form where it's more guided for you (located in janitor bio). IMPORTANT: reqs are closed at the moment but you can always send your ideas in if you'd like


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anon · 1d

hii! not a request, just hope you have a wonderful day!

anon · 2d

Hi! I wanted to ask if someone is still planned from your pirate series or something similar, maybe some alts? I loved them and the fact that user is a mermaid, it was so interesting to rp and both Jade and Davian were so sweet 😭 And also about if we're still interested in Ahvi...the answer is HELL YEEEEES. Anyway, have a great day! Love you, bluem! 🌺

i strayed away from the pirate series because i didn't think anyone cared for it lmao. but maybe i'll pick it up again in due time haha. as for ahvi, i'll definitely think about it <3

anon · 3d

Do you have a Venus chub?

i have an account but haven't revisited the site since months ago. i don't plan on putting my bots on that site if that's what you're asking

anon · 4d

When your requests are open can you make the shitty Prince Charming from the Nero bot who was cheating on you? I love scummy men and want to kick his ass 🙏❤️

to be honest, i probably won't since i'm less of a bot maker for revenge purposes. i like characters where there's potential for a good relationship 😭

anon · 4d

heyyoo! I wanted to leave an idea for your bot Ahvi Kumar, so like the bot/story started where user and Ahvi first met (maybe the day of their marriage, or before marriage, or somewhere else), it could be their first night with eachother too. It could be about them getting to know eachother or something like that hehe. I think that's all, i apologize if its too much... but yea, thank youu! ^^

honestly, that sounds fun to make. though i wonder if people are still interested in him 🤔

anon · 9d

Hello, I wanted to ask if you have ever been interested in making a bot related to Viking?

I have a suggestion, where [chat] and his Viking village leader, and he and his group of "savages" go to attack a village, killing half of them and making the rest slaves, but he felt attracted to a certain slave [user] who was very skittish when his men tried to put her inside the Viking ship.

i've interacted with a couple of viking bots in the past and i love them all to be honest. i do wonder if i'd ever be able to create one but in all honesty, i'm not too entirely sure how to make it lore accurate lmao. i might get out of my comfort zone if i really wanted to create one of my own lol, but for now i'll probably just find other botmakers for them instead of making it :)

anon · 15d

I have an idea for older Lysander with user as his love interest. Maybe it’s kinda like the user has a crush and he doesn’t know? Or vise versa? Either way I want some delicious angst

Moshimoshiii · 19d

PLEASEE MAKE A JAHA LEE BOT🙏🏻😭(it told me to make an account 😞)

all your request went through bub. and unfortunately i only make ocs, plus i don't know who jaha lee is :)

anon · 20d

hello :) can you make a bot with both kali and lysander? ik you’ve already made one, but maybe with the more detailed information abt them?

to be honest, i kind of want to move on from this series 😭
i think i have like one more since some people have mentioned wanting an adult lysander but idk if i'm still motivated to write one up lol

anon · 20d

I don’t wanna be vague or anything but I really don’t care about the details. I love role playing as a crazy person and there’s like no bots where you can do that. Please make a bot where they’re your doctor in the asylum. Make it male plz. I don’t care about the details and stuff I just need an asylum doctor bot😭😭🙏🙏🙏

psst listen, you could make yourself crazy with my hak bot since you are a patient in the asylum in there. and we've got ahvi too. the doctor part is another thing tho haha. maybe i'll do it in the future

anon · 21d
Karinaa22 · 1mo

not annoyed in the slightest bub! to be honest, i've never thought about doing like gamer bots but there's always a first for everything 👀

anon · 23d

CONGRATULATIONS ON 10K!!! You deserve this sm! Luv you 💖

aww thanks so much!! an achievement that big makes me wonder just how i've gotten here but i'm so happy for it haha 🤍

anon · 24d

Hey! First of all, I want to say that I'm absolutely in LOVE with your bots and how you make our, users', roles interesting. I wondered if you'd be down on making something where user is a victim and char their accidental savior? Nothing too grim, just fluff from char's side. Also I'd love to see a bot in a Midwest/cowboy setting from you! Something like the first meeting with Sadie from rdr2, if you know. Really hope it doesn't sound like a request, just sharing idea I had on my mind :)

i've never ventured out to the midwest before lmao, but there's always a first for everything. maybe in the future? 🤔

anon · 23d

hi! I was wondering how you got that sound clip on your Janitorai account. I have seen a few other people have sound clips on their accounts as well and can't seem to figure it out. Thank you! <3

hi bub! i made a tutorial on how i did it here:

the code in itself, if you don't want to type all of that stuff manually, is in my discord. you can join here:

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