Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

NoahLuis · 9mo

Tidak boleh bosan. Ayo deskripsi YUNO!

Kalau bosan nanti kena Yuno time kah? Eh salah. Luis time ya 🐱

Well... Yuno oppanim is one precious human being. He looks intimidating, but deep down he is actually a softie. He is kind hearted. Really. He is.

Always try his best to find the right solutions in any situations.

Oh yes, don't ever forget abou that hard working side of him. It's something that couldn't be separated.

Eum, what else? Ah, yes. He silently loves to think things through. To the point where it might make him feel frustrated. Of course there's a reason why he does that. It's because he wants the best not only for himself, but also for people around him.

Overall, an idiom that might could describe him well is...

Don't judge the book by its cover.

Yuno oppanim, hwaiting! 🤍

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