Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

yeo lover · 7mo

Bluuu! I love seeing your tweets on my tl, you brighten up my god awful nights. I just came back from reading your prof yh student ys ITS SO GOOD.

Ys will continue to revisit his favorite professor to get those hazy floaty make out sessions he turns obsessed and cant get enough of him eventually he ends up constantly coming over to his apartment for extracurriculars😋

hi 🥺 im really glad i could brighten up your night, i’m really sorry that they’re awful! thank you so much for the support, i appreciate it so much!!! and thank you for enjoying my new drabble 🥰🥰 and yessss YS LOVES the floating feeling from making out and he becomes as obsessed with YH, and they’re just both obsessed with eachother!!🤭🤭

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