Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Bottomxianer · 3mo

Hellooo I have three questions if you wouldn't mind? Can I yurify wei ying/Wangxian? Is it posible to choose the prompts (as in, there are 3 prompt for everyday, if I used only one of them each day, would it be okay?)And, I know it's bottom YLLZ week, but can make it sfw (maintaining the bottom part in diálogo or implications but nothing nsfw)

Sorry if the questions are weird, I'm a new artist and would be terrible drawing nsfw 😔. Thank you for your attention and your work at organizing this event

-Yes! Yuri is super welcome in this event!
-It's okay using just one prompt each day!
-Yes we accept sfw content as long as bottom yllz is implied!
No worries about the questions! You will be always welcome in this event and your art doesn't need to be at an advanced level to participate, just have fun 😊❤️

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