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Nonie · 7mo

Guess who came in late and also at a late time? I apologize. I am so sorry for staying away for a bit because I had some things to deal with before I replied to you. I also wanted to do it wholeheartedly. So, you are the ‘match my freak’ type. I am happy to know that because I am that way. I agree with kindness as well. As long as the person is kind, they will surely treat you with tenderness. (A big yes for me). Thank you so much for feeding my curiosity and giving me a genuine answer. It somehow made me feel good since we shared these traits. Are you curious about anything regarding me as well?

Uhm, to answer that. I can’t hide that we know each other and have talked before but I will take a little longer to expose who I am. All I could say is, I am a girl who is (probably) funny.

Anyways, you might see this in the morning so... MORNING! ☻

Hey! Welcome back, nonie. Did you wake up so early in the morning or you haven't slept at all? Oh, that's totally fine. You can even come back after one year and I'll still welcome you with open arms. :] But let me ask, is everything okay there?

Haha, I guess so! But I think it'd be exaggerating to say that I'm freak- I'm just silly sometimes, other than that, I'm an awkward human being. Yes, I suppose you get my point about kindness. I didn't mention anything about love cause why would you date someone if you didn't love them, right? That's just wrong. Aw, no problem. I also enjoyed this mysterious conversation with you, you know. Hm, maybe you can tell me about your ideal type after this? I want to learn something about you as well.

So we know each other and even chatted too. Whoa, why is it making me nervous? (Not in a bad way). I'm really curious about who you are, but you can take time as much as you please. No pressure. (Tell me a joke to prove you're funny in the next query, I dare you. 🫵)

My guess is you'll come back here and check this at midnight, so, please sleep soon, nonie. 😇

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