Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

Hiii, I really like the idea of your au actually, for me it’s a concept I haven’t seen yet. It’s interesting to read different ships in the same au, but I have a question- is it going to end with specific ships being together ( like the endgame for ex. NaHyuck and NoMin) or there won’t be any specific final couples besides all 7dream together? I hope you know what I mean 😅 It says 7dreamAu but i just can’t understand if it will be during the au 7dream but at the end a few of them will become couple or it will be a 7dream to the very end. Gahh i’m sorry if my explanations are messy, it’s hard to explain haha. Good luck on your finals and whatever your answer will be I’ll still read your au, it’s just out of pure curiosity haha 💜🥰

hi hi thank you anon 🥹 but I totally get it, the final couples aren't really decided yet, maybe it comes to a voting? or the stuff I see from qrts, a lot wants a dream polycule 😭😭 which I don't mind either

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