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nonnie · 15d

for such interesting source material, orv fandom popularises such boring tropes somehow it's hard to find things to engage with. but i'm so glad i found your account! it's a real blessing!

🥺 Anon, thank you so much...I don't even know what to say. It doesn't feel like what I do is all that exciting or novel, but I'm glad that you (and others, it seems) enjoy the content I put out. And I agree that a lot of the stuff that's popular with the orv fandom is just ugh, why.

nonnie · 4mo

Do you have any favorite type of Joonghyuk? I like 1863 and 999 xD

I love false 3rd, of course! And SP.....and 1863 and 999 too....actually I think my favourite type of Joonghyuk is the fucked out, drooling, creampied kind 😋

nonnie · 5mo
nonnie · 2mo

Would it be alright if I make art based on one of your fics and tag you in it??

nonnie · 3mo


nonnie · 3mo

Do you have any advice for fighting procrastination? 💀

(laughs nervously) I guess...think about the rewards? Just sit down and do it...? I'm a terrible person to ask for this unfortunately since I'm the worst procrastinator ever

nonnie · 3mo

Did you know there's bots in AO3 sending comments and high praise then asks you to join a certain writing group? Watch out

nonnie · 3mo

do yu still have loads of asks or are we allowed to spam you wit ideas and prompt again? :>

I do have loads of asks still but I always welcome more ideas and prompts, I'm trying to get back into the swing of actually replying to asks since it was suggested to me that even if I'm burnt out, I should try to force myself to write a little to maybe help me...start writing! Yes, please, you're always welcome to spam my inbox. I promise I will get to everything sent in eventually 🥹

nonnie · 4mo

Psst– how would you feel if I spam your inbox with alphabetical letter? (⁠☞⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠☞

nonnie · 6mo

😳 Joonghyuk imagining Dokja pressing him up against a window, all of Joonghyuk's tan, bare skin on display while Dokja fucks him for everyone to see who Joonghyuk belongs to.....Joonghyuk wanting Dokja to bite and mark him up and stake his claim...

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