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hongjoong hole inquiries


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✨ · 7d

Honestly wasn’t gonna draw for todays prompt because I’m kinda burnt out & didn’t know what to draw, BUT. I saw this tweet

And was inspired, thank you C!!!

✨ · 21d

Hello!! :] I got plug & restriction for that post with the gifs and decided to draw it 😊
I was thinking maybe hwc plugged him and tied him up in this embarrassing position. This would all be happening in hwc’s room on his chair that he sits on during some of his lives. Why he did this, unknown, maybe jccng was mocking him or something 🤷.
Not sure if it is allowed, but are submissions ok through retro?

i'm sure jccng deserved it 🤭 thank you for the submission!! posting the img in the replies

✨ · 19d

hihihi what do you mean by alternate universes? just any au? :)

✨ · 20d

Hihi! I’m the anon who sent the drawing and yes it is ok to post it once the event starts 😊 if I am able to post for other prompts I will hopefully remember to use this 💸 emoji with my submissions. Can’t wait!!!

✨ · 20d

hello hello!! thank you so much for the event!!
Little question - while creating works for the bttmweek can we post spoilers/snippets/wips of it?
Thank you!

hii! yes you can 🥰
if you want you can @, use the hashtag or dm it us and we'll RT, just make sure it's properly tagged/warned if needed! and thank you for the interest!

✨ · 20d

if vers is acceptable, why then didn't you tell the first anon that. that was their question.

i felt like their tone was patronizing and mocking. and given that it seemed to imply hcngjccng would be a top way more than a bottom in the hypothetical work they mentioned, i got the impression their goal was to mock the entire event. i don't think you can ask the organizers if they're gonna get "angy" at the subversion of the whole theme and then expect to be taken in earnest, especially given the amount of backlash bottom hongjoong tended to get until not long ago

✨ · 21d

I did have a small question: if he’s vers is that okay? Or if mentioned in the past of him being a top be acceptable? Trust, I understand the whole bottom thing but technically he would be bottoming but I just wanted some clarification

yes, that is ok! we're gonna be flexible in that regard so long as the work doesn't seem to have been created with the intention of deviating from the theme as much as possible

granty · 24d

gahh im soo excited, how do you make submissions/at what time should we start submitting?? 💜

hii! you can simply use the tag #BottomHJWeek when posting your fic/art/thread so we can find your work or you can send it to us via dms. in case you post on ao3 and you don't make a promo tweet for it, or in case you prefer to leave the fic anonymous, you can send us the link and we'll make a little promo ✨

✨ · 25d

im so so excited for this event thank u so much for hosting 🩷🤍🩷🤍🩷

me too!!! 🥰 looking forward to everyone's creations. thank you for the sweetness!

✨ · 27d

can all main characters bottom so hj bottoms and tops in the same fic if he puts his pp in someone will you get angy

i would think the person putting so much time and energy into creating something for the sole purpose of deviating from the event's theme would be the one who seems a widdol bit angy

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