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anon · 19d

youre very beauriful i wish i looked like u

anon · 3mo

Seeing you post art always brightens my day 😊

anon · 5mo

dragon get a wibble tipsy (extremely tipsy this is her third six-pack someone stop her)

anon · 5mo

dragon... long neck. fat. lots of rolls. pancakes. pancake dragon. wub wub

anon · 5mo

Sloshy milk filled dragon, dairy aisle in shambles

anon · 5mo

fat sneasel. fat sneasler.

at some point this stopped being this and became sneaslers wonderful dumpy cousin

anon · 5mo

What's the nichest form of "BWOOMPHAGE" that you've drawn? And, if you were to draw it again, what would you do differently now compared to before?

does neck inflation count? i would try more straightforward neck inflation and less object stuff (still cute)

anon · 10mo

what if a silly lil fox attacked u with like a burger
-not mouseu

anon · 10mo

How many pizzas in exchange for a night of hangin out?

anon · 10mo

sorry if u already answered this or if this question is annoying for any other reason but do u think youll ever return to twitch streaming

i think so! but i have some prep i want to do, and that takes energy i don't have

anon · 10mo

beeg soda for beeg dwagon

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