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anon (not that one) · 12mo

What do you think are "Taki's feelings" that will be added to the movie version? I'm keeping expectations low and thinking it's the things that was said in interviews. But I could also see it being something new we didn't previously know about her.


i’m really not certain but i’m so excited to see!! while i’m sure her feelings about tomori will be implicated (how could they not be?) i don’t think her love for her will be the (direct) focus or anything; i think a lot of it will probably be her feelings of inadequacy/failure wrt mygo falling apart (and how she contributed to/exacerbated things), and i can v easily see her feelings towards sakiko (hating her for breaking up crychic+making tomori upset but also admiring her for how she was able to accommodate the members of crychic incl taki+then ofc comparing herself negatively to that) coming up, esp since i think those will pop up more in animuji. i really hope we get a little more insight into her past/home life here too, whether directly or not

i might come back to this tomorrow bc my brain turned off i feel like i am missing/forgetting things i simply could not believe i had not seen/processed this and had to get on responding 😭😭😭

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