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So excited for Amita's return to Bandori TV Live! Have you listened to her あみたより radio program? Episode #2 in particular feels a bit MyGO coded 😭 The phrase she shared at the start (あいたかった、あえなかった。げんきでさえいればよかった) perfectly summed up my thoughts while she was on hiatus, but in my mind it kinda also fits tmsk 😭
She also metioned the comedian/writer Matayoshi Naoki who referred to themself as "Youkai" or "Kawarimono", kinda in like Tomori calling herself a Pillbug 🥺. She also talked about how different band members have different views of the stage (the vocalist meets eye to eye with the audience, the drummer watches and supports the other band members from the back 🥺)
As a bonus, every episode (other than the 4th which I have not watched since it's the last one) somehow has a seiyuu mention, from Sumipe as someone that is "more than a friend" to Amita, Hikasa Yoko and Ayaneru who celebrated her birthday during hiatus, scheduling a 古着屋 date with Itou Miku, and Aimi who told her "Next time we'll do it together" at a certain Live Concert 😭.
(sorry for the wall of text, and for possibly spoiling the radio 😭. I'm just really glad we live in a timeline where Amita came back)
comrade you have nothing to apologize for!! thank you for sharing your thoughts/information about her radio! indeed i feel obligated to apologize for not only my tardiness but also how clearly you are far more plugged into amita than i am 😭 i see where you're coming from!! and i find it v interesting to hear her talking about the different perspective of different members of the band :o AND it really heartens me to hear how she mentions different seiyuu who she's friends with (ik how she is very close w sumipe and ofc the depths of aimi's feelings about her, but it makes me so happy to hear her talking about hiyocchi aynr and mikku and aimi mentioning gbp 2022 :') )
i genuinely cannot begin to state how thankful i am that amita came back. idk if i've said it (semi?-)publicly before but ik i've expressed to friends in private how outside of popipa (and at this point mygo and i suppose to varying degrees all the irl bands) i could not imagine a seiyuu 'loss' that would hurt more than amita graduating from aya (initially i had this typed as 'amita graduating from amita', not bc i think she and aya are identical bc i don't but like. how can there be an aya without amita?). i was devastated when she announced she was leaving, but when they said she was coming back it gave me such an overwhelming sense of joy and gratitude and contentedness that i will hold for the rest of my life. while i know it would have taken time i am sure i would have grown to love and support any potential second aya seiyuu with everything i have... but w everything in me i will eternally cherish that it never came to that point and that amita is the only aya i will ever know <3
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