Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anonymous flower · 30d

apparently dowoo went to classes the same night they went to say goodbye to jaehyun. They really do everything together 🥹🥹 and if jungwoo really started attending university in 2023, I bet that's why we saw them leaving and arriving to work together everytime since then. And that makes the "living together/in the same building" theory more real. they went back and forth from classes, and with their idol schedules on top of that, I can see one of them (doyoung) proposing they might stay together for the night, and that evolving to "let's live together" 😭 it's not even a shipper thought, but a very feasible possibility. I love them sm🩷🩷

especially because we know woo doesn’t really like being alone and it would start as a one time thing like ah we’re off late woo why don’t you just stay at my apartment…. And then again and again and again 🤭

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