Anonya · 1y

Omg about the trans thingy... I am cis person who like trans hc sometime it's very specific and sometime I feel bad cuz it's like I just like giving "spice" but it's actually just like giving more variation to character characterization and give them different identity/situation. Also, as far as I know, fetishisation is bad if it's to real person like seeing their whole being as just that fetish irl but I'm kinda afraid to do "uhmmm actually" about this issue because I'm not trans 😅

Yeah for sure I would agree for the most part on the fetishization thing ;o also imo I think even if ur cis you should be able to freely explore trans headcanons & create media on it if u wanted. I think its good especially if cis people did such, just overall normalizing it more & more and getting more educated with it.

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