Hex 🧅🔞 · 2mo

What would Marth and Akira’s wedding be like?

HGGGN it'll be a luxurious affair, and since it's a national event it'll no doubt be absolutely grand. They get married in the temple of Naga, and Ren's wearing a handsome white tuxedo with his hair slicked back. He watches in awe as his lovely Marth - dressed in white and blue hibiscus flowers and with falchion in his hand - walks down the isle, the same eagerness and joy reflected back at Ren. They both wed (with Ren throwing the bouquet) and the reception is them surrounded by friends and eating the finest cake and food and having the time of their lives. Gosh though I can imagine the cake cutting...maybe Marth cries a little beforehand because he's so happy that him marrying Ren is real and it's happening and it finally sank in (they signed the papers months before) and Ren can't help but share in his tears of joy and LKJSDLKFJSLFD

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