Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous human person · 5mo

Do you smoke/drink? What are your opinions on those?

Drinking is often not fun for me, yet whenever I'm outside with some friends and they start drinking, I also start drinking, until I puke then spend the rest of the night trying to sleep somewhere while getting dragged around by everyone else trying to barhop/get around the city. I have never found the level of drunkenness that everyone finds fun, but it's also possible that I lack that capability.
Anyway, I have an overall neutral opinion on alcohol, aside from the fact that I can't find the appeal and that alcoholics are losers like any other kind of addict.

Tobacco smells nice but smoking seems like a useless thing to do. However, I look forward to massively upcharging cigarettes to anyone fiending for it.

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