✧.kory · 9 answers · 3mo

qotd: whats one piece of media thats had such a huge impact on your life.

ya'll can guess mine. (stray kids and evangelion .. ampers&one is climbing the ranks too)

a bit nerdy but ill have to say phantom of the opera
this was the first interest i actually Remember being emotionally invested in and it made me realize i was autistic No this is not a joke i actually realized iw as autistic because of a BROADWAY MUSICAL and a book
for a while i forgot about it then when my friend got into it and pulled me back into it it made me realize how important it was to me and how much it affected how i act and portray myself , i know im The Castlevania Guy and castlevania is one of my most important special interests i cant deny how much the phantom of the opera literally changed me for the better and made me so much happier
i watched the musical in 6th grade in drama class and it helped me get through the school year and have more fun with my friends because we could all bond by singing all the songs , and id look further into poto and the books and tell them about it I LOEVPHANTOM OF THEMOERPA

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