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nonny · 6mo

AND ANOTHER THING ON THE TOPIC OF QUEER IDOLS!!!! (i’m not the same anon i just wanted to chime in w something i’m always thinking ab) if you were a queer person in korea, and wanted to be able to be yourself… what is a job you can do that allows you to be yourself?? for the sake of this argument, say you’re a gay or bi man. what career can you choose that not only allows but ENCOURAGES you to dress femininely, wear makeup, frequently flirt w/ members of the same sex, etc.?? BEING AN IDOL!!! if you’re a bi or lesbian woman, what job can you choose that allows you to always be around other women, encourages you to avoid relationships w/ men, etc.?? BEING AN IDOL!! it’s something that always comes to mind when people are like “well statistically it wouldn’t make sense for so many idols to be queer” actually it does!! take broadway or hollywood as an example (i’m american so they’re my best basis for comparison) hollywood and broadway are both TEEMING w queer people, why wouldn’t it be the same in other countries?? sometimes there are jobs that queer people gravitate to, and from an outsiders perspective, i can see how queer people in korea would gravitate to being an idol

absolutely, and former idols have said it's more common than you think. i don't know why it's hard for people to wrap their heads around this.

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