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myungtaeist · 1d

ok now i raise you this question,, how does taesan deal with the anxiety that comes with second chance romance and allowing himself to be happy with sungho

myungtaeist · 1d

how does everyone react to sungho taking taesan back? is there some skepticism?

myungtaeist · 2d

literally cheered and yelled and exploded when i saw fall out boy on the mixtape playlist

i knew it had to be added when i heard "you were the last good thing about this part of town" :') i love them

myungtaeist · 3d

what inspired you to write mixtape?

love of angst, most of the songs from the mixtape playlist, summer, the lack of taesan/sungho fics, a love of writing with weird formatting and structure, this one fic i read years and years ago that i will never be able to find again but will stay with me for life <3

myungtaeist · 3d

what kind of job taesan would get after moving in with sungho? or does he manage to make a living with his songs?

myungtaeist · 3d

how does the topic of the reasoning behind the breakup get brought up n how does it go…

myungtaeist · 3d

woonhak and taesans dynamic was my unexpected fav part of the fic i just love that taesan had some semblance of a family even if he didnt realize it 😭😭😭

myungtaeist · 3d

will taesan ever tell jaehyun about how he felt all those years???

unfortunately never he will take it to the grave with him. though part of him is already settled with the idea that jaehyun knows and has known for a long time, he will never be able to tell him face to face out loud

myungtaeist · 3d

this has been eating away at me so i NEED to ask… How did jaehyun figure it out. like obviously he did because how could he not. but still. 😭 thank you for making the ending as happy as possible btw i wouldnt have recovered otherwise

going to keep this one to myself for now because i'm planning to write a jaehyun centric side story about his perspective and his story with riwoo hehe :3c

i could never not give them a happy ending as much as i make taesan miserable i couldn't let him not be happy :')

myungtaeist · 3d

leehan lore pls 🤲🤲🤲

myungtaeist · 3d

when you namedropped eunchae in mixtape i got so excited! i love woonchae so much but i see them more as twins rather than a couple 😆

LMAOOO yeah me too. eunchae obviously thought the same that's why she rejected him :') but its ok they go back to being besties and woonhak realizes he's happier as just friends and he's just thankful it didn't mess things up between them

myungtaeist · 3d

haha… so what was sungho up to post breakup whilst taesan was MIA

myungtaeist · 3d

what was the real reason why taesan’s parents split in mixtape??

taesan's mother felt constrained and trapped in the relationship because she's no good at commitment so she decided to leave and take taesan with her. they were in love once but his mother doesn't handle feelings very well (something taesan has picked up) and can't stay in one place for too long. taesan's father still loved them both, she lied about that because in part she didn't want taesan running back to him and also because it's easier to handle her own guilt that way. she has umm a lot of issues!! ty for asking i love questions like these <3

myungtaeist · 5d

will taesan ever talk about the night jaehyun got drunk with anybody? or is that just gonna be something that keeps him up at night

myungtaeist · 5d

i've already commented on ao3 but i just wanted to let you know Again that mixtape immediately went into top like, five or ten fanfics Ever that have done so much for me the second i finished it. ur sooo amazing i hope u know that im gonna yap abt this forever to anyone who's willing to listen

WAAHH THANK YOU SO MUCH 🥹🩷 thank you for loving my baby there are real tears in my eyes!!!

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