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Anonymous Coward · 10mo

What's ur fav Nao ship!!!!

GONAO but also TOJINAO omg I can't choose, they're both so special to me and i love them both DEARLY, gonao has childhood friends/rivals to lovers, both of them raised parallel to each other, no one understands each other like they do, give all their firsts to each other, stumbling through childhood and adolescence together, the constant love/hate and SNARK!! but then Tojinao is Nao's hero worship for a man who's been beaten down and told he's worthless all his life, both Zen'ins but raised in completely different ways, and yET!!! And Toji deserves a pretty thing like Naoya, someone who reveres and loves him to the point of obsession, also the satisfaction of having Naobito's chosen heir, the golden child, the prize of the entire clan, and Naoya chose HIM!!

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