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anonymous · 7mo

What's your ships in strega??? ♥️♥️♥️

i can get down with anything, honestly, depending on the context, but REALLY into takaya/jin. i do feel like it's a rarepair... in a dead fandom lol... though there's been a few fics recently on ao3!! (thank you anon, whoever you are.) i love takaya/jin when it's one-sided, especially, in which jin is the one who is obsessed with takaya while takaya is indifferent. :')

as for other strega ships, hm.
- maybe it's just me, but i feel like reload gave us a little bit of takaya/mc lmao. am i wrong. can someone write this? (not me)
- i would like to see something with shinji...
- chidori is for junpei only.

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