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𝐇àorán. · 1 answer · 8mo

How do you perceive love? What makes you feel loved the most?

mhmm, interesting question you got there!

i’ve always perceive love as a feeling that comfort and hugs you, giving you the warmth feels but as day passes i realise that love can sometimes be painful. it’s quite a bummer seeing people fail to acknowledge that when you’re in love, the person you in love with can be the cause pf your heartache. it’s not because they didn’t love you, it’s because of how much you love them.

“you are the knife I turn inside myself, this is love. this, my dear, is love” – kafka in letters to milena

when you’re in love, you have to realise that you have given that person the ability to hurt you. and again, it does sound a bit ridiculous at time but you will understand it some days :3

IM SO SORRY THIS BECOMING LONG HSHSHHDHA but for the what makes me feel loved most is when:

someone show me that they care about me. be it a simple “have you eat?” (my brothers does this very often) or “have you smile today?”

im not good with words honestly T_T i hope what im trying to convey reach you sobs T—T

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