Abigail Stella
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🎱 · 3mo

kastella inget kenny gak ^___^

kenny heeeey🥹💟 of course i remember you!! how are you? is there any of your account yang bisa aku follow?🥹 misss youu my kenny!!

🎱 · 4mo

Pick me banget si paling alkohol si paling clubbing mana tiap minggu gonta ganti cowok mulu

🎱 · 5mo

What’s your ideal type for a boyfriend?

if you’re good at billiard then you got a freepass ;]

jokes aside, i like someone who’s older than me (preferably 2-6 years older) and mature as well. and someone who can understand me well, a plus point if you can do sports (basketball, badminton, billiard) because i do play those sports as well :] trs penting pol harus bisa get along well sama papi and mami 😁

🎱 · 5mo

woy abie bangun, hm sorry random gua mau deact habis ini soalnya mau fokus rl hehe ga tau bakal balik apa ga, but serius ya makasih udah jadi temen gua ga tau berapa tahun dah, belum sempet kobam bareng dah kita, semangat ya maba fk nanti belajar nya 👍🏻 sukses juga buat pertukaran di aussie nya, see you abie doain bisa kembali lagi wkwkwk - niel

will surely be missing you a lot ie ;] balik dong nnti i’ll hit you up when i go to sgp yaa my broooooo, goodluck on everything 😉 rooting for you always! kapan” daah kobam barengnya HAHHAAH and message buat koyo udh aku sampein jg yaa ;] see you when i see you iee :p

🎱 · 5mo

you’re just so pretty and stunning kaak T______T cantik banget

🎱 · 6mo

abi stay happy ya, i’ve been admiring you since last december. Can we get closer? I kinda have a crush on you..

sorry for the late respond and yeah i guess (?) if you’re intention is to be friends with me then please do dm me anytime you want :]

🎱 · 6mo

Syarat jadi crush abi gimana?

hah idk (?) because i like someone based on connection gitu? kalo aku nggak merasa cocok ya…. gabisa :] as long as i think we’re a good match then bisa jadi crush sih…. tp aku lagi suka sama orang WKWKWK

🎱 · 6mo

Clue dong lagi naksir siapa

🎱 · 6mo

hey… abigail udah punya pacar? is there any chance for us to get closer?

kEFFYYY ✩ · 12 answers · 7mo

udh pd libur blm!!!!! liburan mau ngapain ajanih 😆

🎱 · 7mo

when was the last time you felt a profound connection with someone, and what made that moment so special for you?

3 Months ago, with my ex-boyfriend hehe. Those are my happiest time this year, yet i didn’t regret anything having him as my boyfriend. Well of course that moment is special, since i love him so much back then. Sampe sekarang masih belum felt those connection again, mungkin soalnya lagi sendiri ya HAHAHA😭

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