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Corbin · 6mo

3racha + fish

I immediately thought of siren jsng. So bnchn are sailors or fishermen. Real hearty dudes with hearts of gold (who have explored each other’s bodies at sea before
iykyk) one day after a terrible season, chn decides to get up early and cast the net one last time. He catches what seems to be a large school. He’s excited and tries to reel it in but it almost sends him overboard.

Chngbn comes onto the deck half asleep and confused. He scolds chn for trying to pull in a catch on his own but joins him reeling it in. They pull and pull the crank but when the net comes above water, they’re frozen in awe. Chngbn smacks chn on the back of the neck and gets him to man the crank again. He tells him they caught someone and need to cut him loose. So they do. all they see are fins and flesh as they work relentlessly to rescue this person caught their net. chngbn prays the person is alive when they get him on deck. His skin hasn’t turned so they’re filled with false hope as they cut him free. There jsng lays with glistening green scales along his tail and warm tan skin along his torso. He’s beautiful. And breathing. And a mermaid. Chn and chngbn have a silent conversation. They’re not going to leave him there.

They bring him to their home and nurse him back to health in their bath tub while trying to keep him a secret and eventually fall in love. This would be a seaside town setting, mermaid in bathtub semi-realism vibe.

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