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anon · 1y

continuation of my previous question, I wanna ask how u write like that. your writing is very understated (? Idk if that's the write term) like details are subtle but the impact and implications (on the story and on my mental health) is so big

i think it's because i'm a sensitive person (the thing we were all told Not To Be growing up... joke's on society) and also very in my head. when i write i see fragments, but i don't see a full picture. it's like if a bunch of pieces of a whole picture were attached by strings, and you had to carefully push and pull them to get the sensations of the moment across. to bring it all together in order to express what the character is feeling (or what multiple characters are feeling). it's probably bc i feel deeply, but i process most things in my head. and so the irony is the fact that i think more readily than i feel actually becomes an advantage in its own way (i have a lot of air energy in my natal chart, if you're into astrology). i write from that perspective and bring the pieces all together to make a moving picture.

i like subtlety and i've learned to reallllllyyy appreciate simplicity. i think it's so effective and a skill you can develop. i grew up reading classics and used to think i had to write like a man from the 1800s. there's nothing specifically wrong with that, but if it's not your genuine style, it won't feel fulfilling. simple writing feels very satisfying to me bc i feel like the reader understands and pictures what i'm saying without extra details that may overwhelm them. maybe bc when i get overwhelmed by a description, i basically stop picturing anything in my head at all. i try to avoid that when i write bc i assume the same thing about other people, whether it's true or not. bc it's how i perceive things.

i always say writing is an expression of yourself. i suggest dipping into how you experience or feel things and trying to write from that place. you're going to have a beautiful way of writing that's all your own, a reflection of you. and thank you for the love 😊🤍

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