Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

letmedown · 2mo

14 20 & 25 hehe

  1. A random fact I know Delphinium is a genus in the Ranunculaceae family. (They’re often confused with larkspur, but these are different plant species.) There are more than 300 delphinium species, so there is quite a variety of heights, from dwarf hybrids to 6-foot tall beauties, so they can be planted in the front, middle, or back of a perennial border. 20.Somewhere I want to visit Italy sounds nice. Maybe Greece. 25.Ultimate bias(es) I suppose Chan. Minho. Dami from Dreamcatcher, Misamo, Jihyo and Tzuyu from Twice….I don’t think in ult biases. Like I have biases, but I don’t know if I consider them my ult biases…I think far too much if you can’t tell.

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