Nameless Grub · 3mo

someone asked if they could translate HAL and you said there were certain phrasings in it you wouldn't necessarily agree with anymore -- what might those be/what are your thoughts on that essay now?

it’s just some essay i wrote when i was young
and i had to describe myself in fake ways to get the truth published
because people distrust fluidity

-i’m not trans or any of the other terms in the article, it was just the only way to get it published in a time where not fitting into a binary was and is seen as rapey. but i don't care anymore. if they would change it, that would be best, but no one cares. i’ve sold the sexual fantasy and interpretation of my body so many times to survive, it was no different.
-it was a personal essay i wrote a very long time ago. the fact that it is still relevant is because many artists come from higher socioeconomic backgrounds and are not as willing to be sincere as some squalid runt.
-my art is the most important thing. essays are distasteful and those who continually write about internet culture tend to be rancid grifters. twitter activists/content repackaging clout chasers are the lowest form of life. i would rather make new things than regurgitate them.
-people want to roll it up into their ideology when the essay is about the evil of all ideology.
you don’t need some essay to know bad things are bad.
so i would advise people to cultivate their own clarity and voice
instead of trying to collate some perfect scripture to be invoked as a talisman.
the strongest shit i ever see is when people just don’t play along with the weird pious language of clout chasing and use their own words to express how over it they are. robbing the accusers of the cheap sexual thrills and specialness they crave.

i don't mind if some find the text useful. people need a bandage when they're bleeding out. but bandages need to be changed and wounds need to heal.

in the end, people get hurt all the time.
it’s not special.
i’ve lost count of all the people who ever tried to kill me, it’s very boring.
i just don’t think about it.
the only thing that makes me happy is building new things.

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