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milkies · 10d

imagine one time jing yuan came to the flower shop sporting some wounds and dh dares himself to ask to tend to the handsome stranger's wound... (he knows jing yuan probably does dangerous job but what he doesn't know is that he's hiding a mafia boss from a possible assassination attempt or smth)

WAAAAAA jy's suit probably smells like flowers after and it masks away the smell of the blood. dh probably saw the beeg sexi tattoo underneath jy's clothes so 😳

milkies · 15d

since we're going back to the luofu in 2.4 where do you think jh would have reunion seggs a) the archive room b) the seat of divine Foresight c) jing yuan's manor d) ANYWHERE THEY'RE IMPATIENT AND.TBEY MISS EACH OTHER SM

waiting for AE to do dh dirty but telling jy what dh's sweet dream was and then they can have reunion seggs with a lot of teasing and then that's exactly the reason why we wont be seeing dh the entire patch. u heard it here first

milkies · 27d

jingheng love.... jingheng love making.....

milkies · 28d

what is chibi heng censoring 👀

milkies · 28d

hi Chen!! How did you fix your wuwa lag? I’m having the same problem

turns out wuwa auto downloaded into my D drive, so i just uninstalled and reinstalled into the C drive and it just fixed everything lsdkjfhg

milkies · 1mo

virgin jing yuan feeling like he'd ascend to godhood after a bj from dan heng

HELP SDFLKJGH dh has so much skills jy thinks hes fulfilled all of life's goals

milkies · 1mo

that fwb au... the fact that jy is still fully clothed, he doesnt even take his gloves off, while dh is stark naked (and losing his mind bc jy has been slurping his 😺) made me drool ngl

truly just me manifesting a papi like that... but for dh 😭 jy is always prim and proper even when he's eating dh out, he gotta look his best for his fwb

milkies · 2mo

we all know jy would be possessive as hell when it comes to his wife BUT would dh also be possessive about hubby... lipstick marks all over jy's face when they make out..

wifey dh is not one to take shit. she would quietly plot an morder if anyone tried
(same w jy)

milkies · 3mo

ill never shut up about your dh's nipples (neither will jing yuan) grrrr alpha growl

milkies · 4mo

from your prev retro got me thinking
DH: im lone-
*JY barges into the Archive
JY: im here, my love

milkies · 4mo

thinking of lonely (and horny lol) dan heng alone on the archives... would he just touch himself or maybe.. call/invite someone or something

jy would smell his pheromones from 50 lightyears away before dh gets a chance to be "lonely"

milkies · 4mo

mochi walking in on them.... seeing his dh getting his 😺 eaten

milkies · 4mo

dh getting turned on when they kiss bc of the lip piercing..

milkies · 4mo

renheng neighbours au?!

omg................. u and ur cat vs the hot hunk next door.. thats some hentai i'd watch

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