jungs extra phone number · 1y

will you ever make a thread on inho? i feel like so many pay attention to jung and seol, and everytime inho does get attention its either from his fans from the kdrama with a biased view or who hate him

I plan to! It's just I think of CITT in such a complicated manner, I kinda end up having to ask myself which aspects of a character I pay attention to first---because let's be real if I were to write one singular answer on a retrospect of Inho's character it would be able to pass as a poorly written depressed college students essay. He's a very dear boy to me, but he is not at all a GOOD boy.
I get what you mean about the whole fandom's view on Inho. It just feels so....one dimensional? Like, even some of the webtoons fans just view him as 'the second lead guy'... when he's a tritagonist? He isn't there JUST to complicate things between Seol and Jung, SO SO much of that happened with many other characters. So many people focus on him and Seol, or him and Jung.. and I'm like, guys? Is NO one gonna explore deep into his broken relationship with Inha? HIS SISTER? God!! God forbid a male character who's close with both the leads ISN'T the second-best choice for love and has his character outside of them!! God forbid!!!!!
Anyways, I'm writing this much just by RANTING about him, so you can imagine the amount of stuff I have on my mind about his character and what I'd say about him. He's so much more than what people think of him as, they don't treat his character the way it deserves:(

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