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Come unfold your dreams with me.


A little dove · 11mo

Your comfort movies or series?

Mm.. This question actually got me thinking. I think it's between Dead Poets Society and The Notebook? For series, The Queen's Gambit and The Originals. What about you, dear sender?

A little dove · 11mo

kakak pake pelet apa deh? kangenku nambah terus soalnya. are you perhaps still available around this month? :]

Didn't expect to feel my face heated up seeing this in my mailbox. I ended up smiling as I am writing to you. Pakai pelet apa ya, kira-kira? Kalau kangennya nambah terus, sih, harus segera diobatin nggak, sih? Hehe. Anyway, I am still pretty much available until the end of the month, dear love. Let's meet anytime real soon, shall we?

A little dove · 11mo

hi kakak.. for sfw purpose are you accepting gxg?

Hi there, little dove. Thank you for stopping by! 🤍 Yes, for the question. Do you wish us to meet in anytime soon? Let's make your dream date happen. xx

A little dove · 11mo

Kemarin buka pakai apa kamu?

A little dove · 12mo

Nia suka kucing, ya? Boleh aku jadi kucing kamu? I can meow, too.

𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑒 · 12mo

sissy!! do you have any favourite things to do on weekend? : d

Little miss! Well, it's either to roll myself in my comfy bed or digging some old movies to watch. What about you?

handstrikes · 12mo

Are you a dreamer? Or a realist? Or maybe both? (This question popped up in my head seeing the line you attached above)

I am probably both, but maybe the first one is a little bit more? The idea of dream itself.. not sure why, but I just simply love it? Thank you for stopping by, anyway! x

A little dove · 12mo

kakak... mau pacaran...

Gemas... Lucunya... Boleh banget dong, sayangku. Tunggu sebentar lagi mau, ya? Kakak juga nggak sabar mau pacaran!

A little dove · 12mo

Ya kak, semoga segera ketemu yang terbaik. Gawat ini rasa kangenku gak bisa di-convert jadi saldo gopay

Thank you, sweetcheeks. 🤍 Waduh, karena terlalu banyak, ya? Kalau semisal bisa diconvert jadi saldo gopay nanti jadi unlimited? Semoga bisa cepat ketemu lagi ya, sayang. Are you willing to wait for a little more? If you are, shall my special reward be yours later.

A little dove · 12mo

Kak Nia, pindah kemana? Kangen tapi waktunya gak pas terus

Hi, precious baby. Thank you for stopping by and telling me this, ya? Kakak masih nyari, nih. Nanti ketemu kalau Kakak sudah pindahan, ya?

A little dove · 12mo

Nia. I miss you.

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