Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anonymous kitty · 3mo

hi cutie. :)
aku sender menfessnya. sebenernya mau dm tapi aku.... malu dikit. you really caught my attention dari awal mutual, di timeline nungguin cuitan kamu doang serius, kamu juga mutual lama aku (maaf cupu). gapapa? kalo aku suka kamu? :)

hii sender, thank youu for the words, i really apreciate it dan makasih juga udah suka sama aku... that's very sweet of yours. aku ga masalah kalo emang km belum mau ngobrol langsung, tapi agak sayang aja aku jadi gatau km... apakah kita sering interact? do i give enough attention for you? so... let's get closer to each other, shall we? take your time ya, you can hit me anytime <3

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