Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anonymous chnlxer · 10mo

I don't really have any questions, I just want to say that I love you so much and your art is AMAZING! Like you amaze every time you post something new. You're also an amazing person and I just can't describe it words.. my support sometimes doesn't feel enough.. I just want to support you in every way I know and can.. Just wanted to say that... I want you to know that I'll always support you, no matter what.. 🫶🏻

Hope you have an amazing day! 🫂

ahhhh you are the sweetest soul, aren’t you 😭🤍 thank you so much really, i can’t possibly say that enough but i really really appreciate all the support i receive and it fuels me to do more, but more than anything i enjoy the fact that we are able to share the experience like this! it’s a joy and i’m happy we’re in this together 🤍

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