Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anonymous chnlxer · 10mo

yes i’m talking about late 2020 too!!!! and i totally get what you mean i was looking for chnlx accs and literally there wasn’t any and i was like HOW?? THEY ARE RIGHT THERE?? ofc it’s been a long time and i’m happy with the community we have rn. and about your art, since i can say that i’ve pretty much known you since the day you started i can definitely see how much you’ve grown. like i can see how confident and comfortable you are with your art right now. i think one of the coolest things about being an artist is when people know that it’s your art when they see one. i can totally understand it’s your art without even seeing your name. i really like how you draw and capture them, i hope you’ll always be confident with your art. keep slaying i’m here to watch 🫶🏻

yeah! 2020 was a ride - we had content but the community was kind of starting to build back then and it bloomed in the coming years, im so glad we were there to witness it! :) i know it took me some time to reply to this message but tbh i'm glad i did because today's one of these days where one bad comment makes me feel like i'm the worst person on the planet, so hearing this really cheers me up and reminds me why i'm doing it and why it will always be fun! i'm happy i can share my work and i'm happy when others can enjoy it! and really hearing that my style is somehow distinctive makes me feel proud and motivates me to draw more, so really- thank you lots!

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