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anonymous · 5mo

Do you think Basil and Sunny would be the type to have kids when they're older or no kids?

i don't remember if i answered this before, but honestlyyy i don't think they would. i think sunny is actually pretty good with kids, based on the fact he tutored them before, but he seems like the guy that only fws the concept of having kids as like a cute idea in his head(space). however realistically he doesn't actually want to deal with the responsibility of having a kid. that and the lack of any personal space would kill him.
basil on the other hand doesn't know how to talk to kids at all. grown ass(college age) man getting bullied by a 9 year old. growing old and having a family probably was something he expected when he was a kid and closeted(and maybe even found comfort in the predetermined prospect of it), but then he just kinda stopped seeing all future for himself. i think he's afraid of becoming like his parents and he doesn't have any actual idea of what a parent-child relationship supposed to look like.

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