Smol Bean · 2y

is it just me or does the dynamic of "person who is usually idolized in some way but actually deeply lonely inside meets someone who sees past their perfect outer shell making them feel like they're being seen as a human being for the first time (sometimes by antagonizing them) and so they grow attached" pop up a lot in enstars

god yeah i think it's really great bc it opens a whole bunch of conflicts like the whole thing between kanata/chiaki during meteor impact or even mugi/eichi, with eichi being this powerful heir who doesn't have genuine friends but mugi doesn't care about eichi being rich and genuinely wants to be his friend, and eichi just. didn't notice that. eichi assumed no one cares about him, just about his money so he didn't notice mugi genuinely trying to be his friend until it was too late. even rei/keito with keito being one of rei's closest people…… i think it's a Really good dynamic. subaru/hokuto applies to that in some way too, altho both of them were quite alienated for being skilled and talented, but then they performed together during the venus cup and didn't need any more words. they immediately understood each other just through that and i think it's beautiful…

i'm sure there's a lot more examples in enstars and i love it so much;;;

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