Smol Bean · 2y

helloooo i hope your laundry is going well :D random q but... assign your fav enstars characters to a sinoalice class?


so my favorite enstars characters of all time are chiaki, shu, hiyori, subaru, midori, and kanata but ngl kanata is like a cryptic, sometimes he's there and sometimes he isn't.

so i'd assign a vanguard class to chiaki, midori, and subaru. midori complains about it all the time, he's rather stay back and be support but chiaki forcefully drags him back to the frontlines LOLOL so i think they'd look like
chiaki - breaker/gunner
midori - crusher/paladin
subaru - gunner/paladin

the gunner assignments are for their basketball 3-pointer skills (but ngl i don't really know if they're good at 3-pointers LMAO), midori's crusher is for his physical prowess, the paladins is for their agility and. ngl i feel like they'd have good dexterity handling polearms. chiaki's breaker is. idk i feel like it'd suit him, classic hero protag taking swords chdbcbbfscn

the supports go to shu and hiyori. hiyori is that sunny, energizing sun, shu would rather Not take a step onto the battlefield and dirty his hands
shu - mage/sorcerer/(crusher)*
hiyori - cleric/minstrel

healing sun hiyorin™ energizing (buffing) them to get better stats. shu?? even as support he can be a savage dps. sometimes goes sorcerer bc he's fed up by the non existing damage their frontline does, even with hiyori's buffs

kanata??? spin the wheel and pick a class bc i feel like he could be anything, but his main weapons are water elements. maybe he's a nightmare (juno/leviathan/deira)

*crusher shu: mr Tried to crush his pc with an axe bc he saw valkyrie hate on sns can Definitely take a physical class as well LOL

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