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Bug · 6mo

Marcille checking out falin’s new sharp canines and falin makes an off handed joke about how easy it is to tear flesh up now and Marcille is like “haha yeah” but in reality her prey instinct having ass is having conflicting feels about it, she doesnt know if she should be scared or stop being a bit horny at the thought of Falin biting into her…

Hmm idk i feel like post canon Marcille would trust that Falin would never hurt her she wouldn’t be particularly scared of her but she’d definitely be having her internal conflict of “am i a freak for thinking about her teeth so much? I keep thinking about her biting me but i dont want to come across as a freak…what is happening to me? oh god im becoming worse than Laios!”
If this was with full chimera falin tho then yes shed be more on the scaroused side

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