🕊 ⦂ 𝐍ikolai 、𝐑ui 。 ♱ · 5 answers · 26d

i don't tjink some people truly understand fictkinning. like. no , i'm not gonna go murder my partner to rid myself of emotions because i fictkin nikolai gogol. :sob:

EXACTLY BRO... yea i kin vanitas no i did not almost get turned into a vampire by some mad scientist LMFAO

OH MY GOD REAL like no i'm not actively suicidal and " emotionless " and depressed just cuz i fictkin dazai leave me ALONEEE

HELP ME thats people with any kin relayted thign to. be honest.......... or people just dumbing it down adn saying they kin a character because of One very selecitve thign...like. ....I think there is a little more to any character than just! the facyt tehey are suicidal or some..thing... But! Its okau. it is super duper ultra annoying when people act like you hage ti relate to everything about a character in order to kin them Hmmyou people do not make very much sense Please begin to have an understanding of thingd

No wait im dumb
Reminds me of the time i said i relate to lydia from beetle juice and my friend asked me if i had a dead mom

“I fictkin Idia Shroud!”
“Oh so you had a brother that died from supernatural forces whom you rebuilt because you missed him so much?”

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