Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anonies · 7mo

you know what i would love (almost) as much than being you owner?
being the kitten that lives with you.
ignoring you whenever our owner is around, acting unbothered and sweet around them.
but as soon as they leave, i would bite you into submission, holding you down with my claws and fuck you silly.
my barbs hurt you little puppy hole? i don't care. you teased me, and now i take my revenge. and don't even try to tell our owner. they wouldn't believe you anyway stupid dog
-🐈‍⬛ (pls ignore if it's to mean or pushes your boundaries)

being held down and taking advantage of<3 would probably get addicted to barbed kitty cock, teasing u just to get fucked open :3

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