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anon · 9mo

Tell us the most unhinged piece of Catman lore


  • The Loporrits and Argos are essentially his children. (he was Venat's lover)
  • Might have had FWB-esque relationships with the Twelve and/or Primals, he's an old storied being just like them, these might be rumours in a history book.
  • He has a strange relationship with @katsauzone's Meteor where they're both too big for the star they're on and get into crazy bloody world-shattering fights, while also having to act like normal human beings around their partners Kata (a WoL) and Lyse who are friends...
  • His merging with Ardbert after Dying Gasp changed his physique and made him buffer LOL
  • Hmm.. he was 100% convinced and resigned to the thought he was gonna outlive everyone he knew for most of MSQ (Light's blessing gives him regen/unnatural strength) until the Mothercrystal fight.. he finally has a chance to grow old and pass away now :)

not sure if these are unhinged enough??

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