Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

ARANTXA. · 11mo

Kavin sayangku cintaku imutku thank you for doing a very well and excellence job this week! I know you love to study but please don't be too much :( prioritize your happiness first please. But if study make you happy then.. why not. I just want to say I'm grateful that I knew you in the journey of my page. I hope next week will be such a joyous time for you! I wuff you.

Nate sayangku, kamu juga kamu juga! You did really well, keren banget saudaraku! 🥰 jangan sakit-sakit lagi ya, harus banyak istirahat. Kapan-kapan kita belajar bareng biar lucu (please AGENDAKAN) Aamiin, semoga minggu ini banyak hal baik disekitar kamu yaaa! I wuff youuuuuu more, more and more!!!! 💙

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