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Anonymous Coward · 25d

kenapa ya udh jarang liat cinta di tl ... are you okay??

I appreciate the concern. There are days when I just don’t feel like socializing. ☺️ Rest assured I’m okay!

Anonymous Coward · 24d

where did you get your necklace from your recent tweet?

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

Cinta aplot nyanyi lagi dong ap bleh... sejam aj.. dibyar 3000... krn i love you 3000 hahayuk

Isla Clarithe. · 1mo

CINTAAA, temenan juga yuk di sini! aku izin follow yaa 🥺

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

Pleasant afternoon, Nona Cinta. If it isn’t too much, can I have a crush on you, Nona?

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

halo kak cinta!! sebagai sesama fellow lesbian aku ngerasa kak cinta orang yang tepat buat aku datengin... i'm currently going thru comphet di sekolah, kesannya fomo (?) karena orang orang pada jalan sama cowo dan aku ngerasa kepressure harus sama cowo juga biar sma ada kisah cintanya gituu.... tapi aku gabisa boongin diri sendiri.. :( im just ask siapa tau kak cinta punya pengalaman yang sama and sharing the experience wimme 😢 maaff maaf kalo terlalu personal 🙏🏻 semoga kak cinta bahagia selaluu 🥺💞

Hello. 💛 Rest assured you came to the right person. I’m sorry you’re going through this. As for your question, I won’t go into full detail but I’ve experienced comphet too and it wasn’t easy for me. All I can say is that you don’t need to prove anything to anyone until you’re ready. Your journey is personal, and it’s okay to take one step at a time. Highschool isn’t all about teenage romance so don’t set that as a standard. Trust what you feel, even if it contradicts what society expects. Remember to be gentle with yourself during the process, Anon! I'm here for you. 🥰

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

Cinta, kalau boleh tau kamu ini orang mana sih?

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

ugh can i be ur friends? we didn't follows each others btw.

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Hi Cinta, mau nanya tp maaf kl sensitif; kamu lesbi sblmnya punya pengalaman sama perempuan?? 🫠

Hello! It’s fine to ask so. As for now, I have two ex-girlfriends. I hope that answers your question.

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

cinta penasaran, kamu dipanggil "cinta" terus sama oomfs gak baper kah?? ;-;

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