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Glimmering Moonlight · 6mo

Hi, Kak Jolene. You don’t have to know who am I but I know you from a long time ago and I just want to say that I apologize for everything I did to you in the past. I’m quite a coward to show up myself to you as I know I was quite childish and just jumping into bandwagon like such a petulant child. I’m sorry if my apology is also bringing you back those bad memories, I’m here just to show how much sorry I am and I truly wish you a constant happiness and wonderful journey towards your dream. I’m happy to see you got surrounded by wonderful people as you deserves and I hope you’re not surrounded by someone like me again. Be happy always, Kak Jolene or Kak Allegra now? May flowers always bloom in the garden of yours and rainbow never cease on your face. You don’t have to forgive me as I know it was truly that bad, what I did was wrong and unforgivable but I just want to share thoughts of mine. Be happy always, Kak Jolene! You are indeed a wonderful sunshine. 🤍

XX, someone you once knew.

Hello, I have no clue about your identity but I just want to say thank you for your apologies. I believe it would be a lot more proper and acceptable if you can apologize to me directly but if you're too embarrassed to come forth then I can understand as well. Have a pleasant night.

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