Anonymous Coward · 4mo

Thoughts on arlefuri? /genq (I don't wanna start discourse or something, I'm asking because you said you're a multishipper and you've shared some arlefuri art before!)

I was actually super into it pre-4.2, actually!! I'll admit feeling a bit let down with Arle's role in the AQ, as well as the fact we didn't get an actual confrontation between the two- I guess I was so enamoured with the ideas of toxic yuri/rivals/enemies to lovers that were floating around pre AQ conclusion that watching all those ideas kind of fade away (and much less meat for the ship showing up in canon after 4.1) made me less invested... I still like it, though!! There's some absolutely phenomenal art and fic for these two out there, and there are some artists who do push harder on the aesthetics that drew me to them in the first place!
(I'll also say that as far as f/f ships for Furina go, I'm a little more into CloriFuri for the Lady and Knight tropes ;w; )
But ahhhhh yeah ArleFuri is kind of benched for me. It's a 'i wish we had more' and a 'what could have been' ship for me... I 100% support those who wanna ship it and have fun with it, though!! I'm not actively making ArleFuri stuff, but I'm here................... lurking in the shadows. Watching. Like Father is >:3c

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