Anonymous Coward · 3mo

I have finally finish your Limbus ship live on Tsunul channel. And I have one question. What do you think of Meurtis ? I mostly see them as platonic but I still want to hear your thoughts on them

Meurtis is shipped by three people and a shoelace and I'm one of them lmao part of it is bc I'll ship ANY meursault ship, the other part is bc their canon interactions??? God tier. The bad cop-worse cop dynamic, the fact that despite everything Meursault seems to be one of the extremely select few Outis considers to be worthy of her consideration. She trusts his judgement because of how objective and direct he is. He does as he's told. He's a good soldier. She can appreciate that in him.

This can OF COURSE be a purely platonic read on him, and that's a great way to see it— i rarely ship things bc they're my romantic ideal. I like interesting dynamics and I like watching attractive characters smooch. I also like when both happen at the same time hehe.

Uuuh I probably have more reasons, but those are my main ones!! Also there's like one absolutely PHENOMENAL fic for those two on Ao3 and I'll link it below!

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