Anonymous Coward · 3mo

Hii Emi!!! I really enjoy your limbus company and neuvifuri arts!!! If you’re ever in need of inspiration, I have a Few suggestions if you don’t mind,,! When I’m in need of something such as inspiration I like to Pour a bath with some lukewarm water and then bathe with puppet versions of my favourite characters to get my imagination juices flowing! It’s not as weird as it sounds, hah. Hope you take this into consideration, Have a good day!!!

OMG HI ANON this is such a cute message to open out of the blue haha ;w; It's not weird at all! it's very sweet- I keep trying to think of little self indulgent things for me to do to relax but auighgh I'm always caught up in a loop of somewhat relaxing and then feeling guilty abt not working aaaaa
... also I don't own any puppet versions of my otp- wait. acrylic standees work, right?

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