Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anonymous · 9mo

It's quite fun how differently people interpret different things. I see so many more or less seriously calling Namjoon's new album a breakup album based on its title whereas I interpreted the "wrong person" meaning Namjoon himself. Art really is subjective.

the album announcement referencing "being an outsider who doesn't fit in" does suggest to me too that the "wrong person" refers to namjoon. but at this point all we've got is a title and an announcement blurb, so we're all just wildly speculating! i could still see it potentially being a breakup album (for instance, what if you feel like it's the right relationship or "place" for your life to be in but you're just the wrong person to fit into it and its expectations), but he's also seemed to me to be kind of struggling with some existential angst over how famous he is since the hiatus. and that second one would be my personal bet as to the theme, but like i said, at this point we've got NOTHING lol, so i'm just excited to hear the actual album!! i've been really looking forward to it, i always like his solo stuff a lot.

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